Dear Simon and Dave,
On behalf of Hexion I would like to thank Acuity for successfully and safely completing your activities during the decommissioning and decontaminating of the Hexion Peterlee top tier COMAH site.
Acuity achieved all the following in an agreed timescale without incident, accident or near miss and this reflects your organisations strong safety focus, which was clear throughout the planning, preparation, and execution of all work.
- 50 storage tanks – cleared, cleaned, and certified
- The tanks contained residual amounts of various chemicals including, Paraformaldehyde, Formaldehyde, Ammonia Solution, Methanol, Sodium
- Hypochlorite, Sulphuric Acids, Formic Acids, Sodium Hydroxide, Heavy Fuel Oil, Trade Effluent, Resins and Glycol
- Confined Space Entry – This was often required during cleaning and was controlled in an agreed method.
- Rescue Teams for Confined Space Entry – Fully Trained and Fully Equipped
- High Pressure Jetting to remove toxic and non-toxic residual debris from tank internals
- Unpacking and cleaning of a 30m high absorber column containing paraformaldehyde
- Effluent Pit clearing, cleaning, and safe disposal of solid and liquid waste through licenced sites
- Full Drain Survey to include cleaning and camera recording along with updating the “Drain Drawing” on behalf of Hexion
Throughout the decommissioning of the Plant your personnel have fully co-operated with Hexion Management during changing priorities, offering solutions to waste disposal and cleaning of tanks etc.
The planning of all your Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) has been exemplary.
Site discussions between our companies allowed complex situations to be dealt with in an orderly and safe manner with solutions being agreed to suit all concerned.
Once again, our grateful thanks to all Acuity personnel who came and worked on our site and
achieved the total cleaning of the site equipment without incident, accident or near miss.
Kind regards,
Paul Strefford